Near death experiences, information and the mind

I have been priviledged to review podcasts from the discovery institute featuring dr. michael egnor and dr. william dembski dealing with the mind-body problem. dr. egnor accepts causal dualist interaction between the immaterial mind and the material body/brain, but he has understandable difficulty understanding how the mind can remember specific items and scenes seen during the nde after consciousness is regained. i have shared what i believe is compelling evidence for a form of cartesian dualist interaction between the mind of god and man and the synaptic networks of the brain, but i have not addressed the mind’s cognitive function during a nde. dr. egnor’s skepticism concerning this process is justified, causing him to have some doubt about the validity of certain elements of cartesian dualism.

in the following blog posts i shall elaborate on this question, drawing from what i have presented in my books and blogs. i will share a proposal that is an extension of my hypothesis for dual interaction presented in my books and in a number of my more recent blog posts. the proposal suggests a role for wave forms in this process, and information plays a fundamental role.

Stan Lennard